(PTCA) Considerations

What is PTCA?

Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty usually known as PTCA is a minimal invasive process for coronary artery disease treatment. This involves inserting a catheter into an arter in the arm or groin and then guided to the narrowed or blocked part of the coronary artery. Once there, a balloon is inflated, broadening the artery and allowing blood to circulate more freely. PTCA can be used as an alternative to bypass surgery in certain cases and can also be used for the treatment of acute heart attacks.

When is it recommended?

Doctor asks for PTCA if-

  • Individuals suffer from coronary artery disease, also known as atherosclerosis, who are at risk of having a heart attack or stroke due to narrowed arteries
  • A person’s heart health doesn’t improve after changing medications and lifestyle
  • A person suffers from chest pain

Benefits of PTCA:

  • Helps to flow blood through the artery
  • Improves shortness of breath and chest pain

Possible risks

  • Bleeding at the catheter insertion site
  • A blood clot or blood vessel damage at the point of insertion
  • A blood clot in the ptca/endoprosthesis-treated vessel
  • Infection at insertion point of catheter.
  • Heart dysrhythmia/arrhythmias (abnormal heart arrhythmias)
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Pain or discomfort in the thorax
  • Blocking of blood vessels
  • Severed coronary artery, requiring open heart surgery.

Keys to the success of PTCA include a healthy lifestyle, proper diet and lifestyle after the procedure and getting proper medical attention if complications arise. Having an effective health department is key for us.

For more information or inquiry, please call +91 98254 45403/09 or email:

+91 98254 45403/09

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