Saraswati Multispeciality Hospital in Bopal

Is your heart rhythm regular or irregular?

Human heat is one of the most important organs that help sustain life by pumping blood throughout the body via the vessels of the circulatory system, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes. Under normal circumstances, the human heart beats at a steady rate of 60-100 beats per minute. The rate, however, can vary depending on a variety of factors such as physical activity, stress, temperature, or specific situations. When the heart rhythms or heartbeat rate become irregular, the condition is known as Arrhythmia. The symptoms vary on the type of arrhythmia one suffers from – too fast or too slow heartbeats. Symptoms of an arrhythmia include light headedness, dizziness, fatigue, palpitations, slow pulse, fainting spells, shortness of breath and chest pain.

Most cardiac arrhythmias occur suddenly without any prior indications. Arrhythmia can happen when the patient is already suffering from diabetes, CAD, heart defects, hypertension, anxiety, heart damage, thyroid problems, electrolyte imbalance, sleep apnea and already experienced heart surgery. People are more prone to develop arrhythmia who consume excessive alcohol and caffeine and do less physical activity.

Arrhythmias are classified into two types: ventricular and supraventricular.

The causes of irregular heart rhythm in the atria are because of–

The causes of irregular heart rhythm in the ventricles are because of – 

Cardiac Arrhythmia Treatment:

Cardiac arrhythmia needs a group of specialists and proper infrastructure. Facilities available to the affected patients are  Leadless Pacemaker Implant, Alternate Site Right Ventricular Pacing, His Bundle Pacing, and Left Bundle Pacing.. We also have facilities for the following investigative tests –

You can also try to keep healthy your heart by following a few steps –

Did you know that you can have a rough estimate of  your heartbeat at home too! Simply follow these steps –

The best way to decrease the risk of arrhythmia is to get regular check-ups and follow your doctor. Extra attention to your heart will help you to lead your life rhythmically. 

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